Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Autumn and Abbie- we both got sunburned today. Look at Abbie's little red nose adn cheeks.... Awww...
Caleb, Autumn, and Abbie

Caleb laughing at Abbie because she sneezed.

He isnt crazy about his picture being taken with Abbie.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Frey Family Fotos!!! :)

Abbie has CURLY hair!!!!
She is smiling ALL the time now, and cooing too!
Baby Day at our church.
Our family picture!
We have been so blessed by the Lord! His mercies are new each day! Our family is doing tremendously well and we are so grateful to God for His goodness!

Caleb is talking and comprehending so much now! Just this morning, he came into the bathroom, open the lid of the toilet and threw two of his toys inside. I quickly retrieved them and then told him "no no" and asked him "why did you throw those in there?" He said "toy-let. Mama, toy. Toy-let." It took me a few minutes and some frustation on his part and mine, but eventually I got it. He figured the toys must go in the Toy-let. Get it? Ha ha! He's smart, but he got that one all wrong!

Abbie is smiling and cooing all the time. She LOVES to be held and talked to. She is getting little pudgy legs and can hold her head up by herself now. Her hair is soooo cute- I love curly hair, always wanted one of my kids to have curly hair, but never dreamed that any would (since no one in my family or Mikes does), but Abbie's got it!!! Its adorable! I can't wait for it to grow out more! Thank you all for your continued prayers for her. Her tummy is completely healed and she is perfectly normal now, except for a somewhat lumpy belly, but that should go away with time. I keep forgetting to post a picture of her scar, since so many people have asked what it looks like. I'll do that soon!

God bless!