Friday, January 28, 2011


Abigale today...

Caleb today....
Sam is pulling up on everything!
Some homeschool projects.... practicing our letters in flour.
Making cookies is also a great way to teach measuring, colors, and what each ingredient does to make the cookie!
A rainbow of sweet colors!
Painting magnets for a craft.
My sweet baby Sam with Mommy!

Thank you all for your prayers and love. God has blessed us so much! Our precious Nathan is missed everyday, I think about him all the time; but I also think about how happy he is with Jesus, and my sorrow fades. It helps to have three other very busy little children to keep me going. I also have a fantastic husband who has been so adoring and kind these past few weeks. I am blessed beyond all measure!
I have listened to the song "I Keep Praying" everyday for this past week. Singing the words has helped me lean on the Lord and kept me close to Him. I wanted to share just a few phrases:
I'm in another valley, where I cannot see the sun.
My eyes find no more tears to cry
and my heart just feels numb.
The longer this valley, the darker it feels,
With shadows all around me
the Spirit bids me kneel.
I keep praying- when life seems so unfair.
I keep praying- because I know He answers prayer.
I keep praying- when the world around me falls.
I keep praying- for He is my all in all.
The only reason I can even stand...
is I keep praying!
I'm trusting in God's promise, my heart is steadfast, Lord.
You said you'd never leave me, and I know you keep your Word.
Strengthen me with power, according to your might,
for endurance and patience, as I travel through this night.
I keep praying- when life seems so unfair.
I keep praying- because I know He answers prayer.
I keep praying- when the world around me falls.
I keep praying for He is my all in all.
The only reason I can even stand...
is I keep praying!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Our precious baby boy, Nathan, was born Friday, January 21, 2011 at 10:49am. He was 6 inches long and weighed 1.7 ounces. I was 15 weeks pregnant with him.

At my regular prenatal appointment on Wednesday, the doctors could not find a heartbeat. After concluding that a hemmorrhage in my uterus had caused Nathan's placenta to detach, they induced my labor Thursday night. Mike and I went to the hospital early Friday morning and Nathan was born several hours later. He was so perfect and beautiful in every way. We didn't really know what to expect because we had never seen a baby so tiny, but he was perfect. That's the only way I can describe him. The nurses and doctor were so very kind and gave us all the time we wanted to hold him and love on him. We cried. We prayed. We cried some more. We took pictures and talked to him. We prayed and told God that He had formed him in my womb and belonged to Him from the beginning and we were grateful for the 15 weeks I carried him. He is resting so peacefully in Jesus' arms now; it is such a comfort to know we will see him again one day, along with his four brothers/sisters that are there too.

After the nurses took Nathan away, Mike and I held each other and cried. Crying is good, it lets your emotions and feelings out. God meant for humans to cry. We shouldn't waste our tears, but there is a time for weeping. Grief is hard, but you have to pass through it. We are passing through it now. We are sharing and letting go. God has been so very good to us; He has given us three beautiful living children that we cherish and love so much! It doesnt lessen pain though, to think of what you have, because you can only think of what you've lost. In time, Nathan's birth and death will not be as painful. When I hear a newborn's cry, I won't cry. When I see a tiny diaper or a pregnant mother, I won't cry. I will be happy. Life will go on. Our saddness will fade and the sun will shine again.

But right now I am grieving. I have lost. I am empty of the babe that I was carrying. God is here beside me, holding me. Mike is here beside me, holding me. My family and friends are holding me. The prayers of so many of holding me. I will get through.

My sweet Nathan, one day I will hold you in heaven with a smile on my face and we will see Jesus together! I love you and will never forget you. I will always have a place for you in my heart!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter is here

Looking out our dining room window...

Caleb was so excited about the snow and we thought it was because he wanted to play in it. Apparently he was excited for another reason (eating it!!).

Mike playing "train" with the kids.

This is a picture of Sam trying to crawl from a few weeks ago. Now, he is crawling all over and pulling himself up on all the furniture too!

Christmas 2010

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Mike trying on a hat in the mall
Ha! It looks like Sam is wearing a wreathe on his head!
Abbie sledding in MN
"The Hill"

Caleb was ready to go!
Caleb and cousin Micah
Abbie and cousin Micah

Sam opening his first Christmas present
Grandpa tickling Abbie
Great Grandpa Joe with Abbie, Sam, and Caleb
All of us with Grandpa Joe

Baby- 13 weeks