Saturday, September 27, 2008

Abbie came down with Roto Virus this week, so we spent a few days at the hospital since she got dehydrated. She is much better now, so much happier! Here are a few pictures from our week-
Daddy and Abbie

Caleb seemed to really like the hospital- probably because it had a really cool playroom!

Awww... Abbie looks so cute in her sunglasses from Grandma and Grandpa!

Caleb loves his new green zoo hat from Grandma and Grandpa!

Abbie took a break from her crib and sat in my flip-out bed for awhile. She liked it. :)


There she is, precious girl!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

I had some fun with a new photo program I downloaded, so if the pictures look a little different that's why. Hey, I had fun!
Caleb asking for candy. Nope, nope, nope.

Caleb, Mike, Abigale.

Caleb in his chair outside giving me his cute smile.

Abigale Victoria Frey

Our sweet Abbie. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Well, school has begun. Which means everyone's lives are structured once again, including ours! Mike started classes at Crown College last week and is thrilled to be back in school! It is his senior year, and we are both looking forward to his graduation in May!!!

All of my piano students are back on a schedule again which is great! Through the summer things got a little lax, but now we are back in a routine. I am also watching two little boys during the week, which is working out great all around. The Lord always gives us just what we need!

So, here are a few random photos from the last week or two. Not much in my photo collection lately, but hopefully I will have more to add soon. Planning on family portraits in a couple of weeks!!
This is how Abbie sleeps. If you leave a blanket anywhere near her, it ends up on her head!
I walked into Caleb's room the other day and this is what he had on his toy box.... ?
What a great smile!
He's only smiling because he has a mint in his mouth. :)
Abbie in her new swimsuit!
Haapy Baby!