Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Storm of the century

You can't see it very well, but its pouring rain.
2 hours before it normally gets dark....creepy sky.
Good thing we put in that walk-way. Look at the water streaming off the house.
So much lightning, hail, rain, and wind. Worst storm I've ever been in.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My house is a disaster. I mean, its bad! Not only are there boxes piled in every room and heaps of various unboxed items scattered around, my house is just plain dirty to boot! Chaos. I think that I have officially given up trying to keep things relatively organized and am just going with survival right now.

So, when things are crazy inside we go outside. Its been rain one day, sun the next; a constant pattern that allows me to pack one day and spend the next outdoors! This has allowed me to keep my sanity. And my husband and children. :)

Even though I have this tendancy to look at circumstances through pessimistic glasses, to take all the bad things that have recently happened and turn them into major events that only superhuman strength could overcome, God has been a constant reminder that He is in control. I am not a spiritual person. I try to be a good Christian, but lets face it- I doubt, I complain, I ask "why?" and I get mad. At life, at myself, at those close to me. But in these past few weeks I have felt the hand of God on me daily. I hear Him say "Autumn, just be quiet. Listen to me. I have a plan." I feel like Sarah in the Bible. She laughed when the angels told Abraham that she would conceive a child and have a son. She laughed! And then because she knew it was impossible and doubted God, she told Abraham to go sleep with her handmaid and have a son by her. Because how could God possibly give Sarah a child in her old age? But He did. Because God has a plan.

So, when both of your vehicles die in the same week, when a tree randomly crashes and knocks out your power lines in the same week, when you are jobless, when you have to sell many of your possessions and say good-bye to your dearest friends, when life just rises up against you and you feel like one more thing will make you crumble, and when you doubt- like Sarah -and come up with a plan of your own, God will show you Himself.

Almost every day in the last two weeks, the Lord has sent someone into my life to witness to or talk about the greatness of God. Yesterday, the man who bought our bed off craigslist gave an amazing testimony of the goodness of God. Once a cocaine addict and satanist, he has been converted to a life given to Christ for nearly 12 years because of the faithful prayers of his wife. A sweet neighbor lady has given testimony to the power of God in the healing of her sister. A friend from church and his wife are expecting a baby in the fall after losing their first child in December, and they give all the praise and glory to Jesus Christ. His will is perfect. And His way is perfect. We cannot control circumstances in our life. But we can choose how we react to them. Will we give glory and honor to God no matter what happens? Or will we doubt and become angry. Its a daily battle. But one that we can have victory over through Jesus!

May the Lord bless your week!

Busy but FUN days!

Whatchya lookin' at?

Whatchya lookin' at?

Why does Abbie want Daddy to hold her?

Ooooooh. Snake!

here and there



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tennessee Mountains= Beautiful

21 Days

This is the 20 ft. trailer that was graciously loaned to us for hauling our possessions up north. This is more room than many people in countries around the world have to live in. Puts a different perspective on things when you think like that. We are very grateful for it! Corner of our bedroom.
Clothes. Clothes. Clothes. We most assuredly have too many clothes.

Approximately 3 weeks from now we begin our next adventure in life! Today, I am excited as all git-out about moving across our beautiful country to another land. A place where we will start a new life, make new friends (and of course keep the dear friends we have now!), live in a new place, learn new territories, and see God work in an amazing way.

I was reminded today by a sweet neighbor lady that our God is a great and powerful God who can and WILL do anything! He has the best in store for us and all we need do is ask! She told me some great stories about how she has seen the Lord work in her life, miraculous works, amazing and impossible things. But not for God. While we may not hold to the same beliefs or doctrine, this dear lady and I both believe in the power of God. I believe the Lord sent her to encourage me today, to see His faithfulness in every area of my life. I hope that you will see His love and encouragement this week as well!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Wilderness Waterpark in Sevierville, TN

Super fun!!!

Girls Night Out Pedicure

Molly, Heidi, Brittany, and Abbie and I spent a Saturday shopping, tanning, and getting amazing pedicures! So much fun to have a girls' night out!

Gun Rnage with Family

While my amazing sisters and sister-in-law were down visiting, we added my brother Noah to our group and went to the shooting range to try out our new gun. Although I freaked out at first because all of the shooting was overwhelming and REALLY loud (kind of embarrasing, yes), I got past that and ended up shooting multiple rounds with our new .38 Ruger. Love it! I must say, we are all pretty good shots and the night ended up being alot of fun.