Mike started school a few weeks ago and it already seems like he's been at it for a several months! Ugh! Please pray for my amazing husband as he works hard at his job and school; pray that God would give him the grace and patience and endurance to get through this last semester before graduating. It seems that when you near the end of the race, Satan tries his hardest to get you to quit. We want God to receive all the glory for our lives, so pray with us that we will "run with patience the race that is set before us."

Abigale had a doctor's appointment yesterday, so she is all dressed up to go in this photo. :) She is crawling like crazy and into everything! I don't remember Caleb being this much trouble!! Ha ha! She eats everything she finds on the floor and although I vaccuum daily, it seems there is always something I've missed that she finds! She is also pulling up on the couch and attempting to walk! Mike likes to hold her hands walk around with her- hopefully she will be walking soon, although Im not sure I really want that! Ha ha! Her first birthday is next week (yeah!) and we are excited to celebrate! The Lord has done a miraculous work in her life and body and we are so grateful to have our little girl here today because of His blessings!