My friend, Shannon, and her children Kimberly and Jace joined us a few days ago at the Children's Museum. None of us had been there before and we were all pleasantly surprised to find what a great place it was! It was very hands-on and educational. We had a wonderful time and cannot wait to go back again sometime!
Caleb and Abbie in the train room.

Walking to another display. This is Jace walking with me.

In the kitchen of the life-size dollhouse. The kids played in here forever! They loved the dishes and pretend food, the fridge and sink and table. It was great! The pictures are out of order, but more towards the bottom you can see what the whole house looks like. It was cool!

In the cute livingroom of the dollhouse.

The playroom in the dollhouse.

Tiny bathroom. So cute!

Little bedroom.

Me standing in the doorway in the dollhouse.

Caleb and Jace putting the dolls to bed.

Abbie going up the stairs in the dollhouse.

A snapshot of Caleb with the babydoll on the second floor of the dollhouse.

Second floor.

The back of the dollhouse.

The front of the life-size dollhouse.

The waterworks display was a big hit too! The boys loved it!

I thought it was great that they had the plastic covers for the kids to wear- since Caleb practically dove in the water, it came in handy!

Abbie and I in the puppet room.

The puppets!! Lots of fun to play with!

A typewriter? What's a typewriter mom?

Caleb trying out an old-fashioned stroller. Abbie loved it!

Shannon pushing Jace in an old wheelchair. It was so neat that they let you touch and use everything!

Playing with pots and pans.

Talking on the phones.

The castle slide was fun! Kimberly helped Abbie go down. Weeeeeeehhh!

Ooooohhh. That looks fun!

Playing with legos.

Inside the space shuttle. Caleb loved all the buttons, gears, and lights!

The space shuttle!

Dress up hat! Abbie loves to dress up!

Huck Finn and his sidekick!

Me being silly with the old fashioned clothes you could try on. Ha ha! Is it my style?

Music display. Push the buttons and they play different guitar songs. Or you can reach in and strum the strings yourself!