Hmmmm, out of order photos- me and Mike on the way to church.

The Gun Story:
Last week I had a garage sale. This guy that came to the sale wanted to buy an item but wanted to come back later that evening to buy it. Fine. He never shows. Whatever.
The next morning, we hear this pounding on our door at 8am. Its a Saturday, and while not everyone has the luxery of sleeping in on Saturday, we do. We were sleeping. Mike jumps out of bed and scrambles to get to the door. When he walks out of our room he sees the yardsale guy standing in our livingroom!!! We DO lock our doors at night (and I have them locked during the day when Im home alone with the kids) so after figuring out that we weren't in immediate danger and kicking the guy out, Mike asks Caleb if he let the guy in. He did. Looooong talk later, Caleb understands that we dont open doors EVER to strangers. And Mike says, "We are buying a gun today!" While we've talked about it for years, there has always been something more important to buy and we've just never done it. Well, Im proud to say we now own a gun. And I'm a pretty good shot, just to warn you! ;)
So, these last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions for me. Leaving our beautiful state where everything is blooming and changing, and life is starting afresh once again is really hard! Just being honest! I love the mountains, the sunrises here, the fact that it's 60 degrees in the morning when I go running with my friend, the green grass all year round, and most of all I love how close we are to Knoxville! Its a bustling city full of life and there are always things to do! We live so close to everything so its easy to get around. And I also feel comfortable here because I know this place.
All of these things are great. They are fabulous really. I'll admit, I've been spoiled! But God has something greater for us in Minnesota! It has taken me awhile to come to this conclusion- like, five years. But God has done an amazing work in my heart recently, and I am truly excited to see what He has in store for us. I think its going to be hard to beat what He's given us here, but God is ABLE to do anything! So I think that life in Minnesota is going to be awesome. Mostly because I will have my amazing husband there, and my three sweet children.
Have a blessed day!