Wednesday night during church, one of the nursery workers came and got me out of the service whispering something about Abbie, falling, blood.... Apparently, our somewhat clumsy daughter (bless her heart!) tripped on her own feet and fell, hitting the arm of the rocker/glider chair. It was the perfect angle to gash open the soft spot under her chin, and deep enough for seven stitches. One trip to the ER accompanied by stitches and a popsicle later, she was a happy camper once again.
Hysterical moment in the ER: Abbie is cocooned-wrapped in a sheet to keep her arms still with two nurses holding her, the doctor sewing her, while I stroke her forehead trying to calm her. She is SCREAMING like a banshee because all she sees is four heads peering over her and a needle going in and out of her face. Not a pleasant moment. Mike walks in just then and puts his hand on her forehead while I back off to take a breather. Abigale instantly stops crying as soon as she sees her Daddy. Instantly. The nurses mouths all drop open. They could not stop talking about how amazing it was that she responded to him like that! She never even whimpered as they finished the stitching, sat her up, gave her a popsicle, and put a bandaid on her "owie."
They also commented on how they had never seen anyone in a suit in the ER before! Mike explained how we were in the middle of church when this happened. Ha ha!
It all worked out well in the end, and Abbie is running around like a three year old again. Stitches come out in 5 days!
Right after they finished the stitches. A smile!

How she looks today.

Waiting in the ER....