Christmas is almost here- the time of year that we as Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior. Although we do not know exactly when Christ was born, we CAN pick a certain time to celebrate His birth, and December 25th happens to be that day! Mike and Caleb and I are rejoicing during this season of remembrance, that Jesus came to earth to be born so humbly, to live so miraculously, and to die for us so amazingly! What a joy that we have a God who gave us the ultimate gift.... His only Son!
Our little family plans on staying in TN for the holidays this year. My older brother, Seth and his wife, Molly, will be here during Christmas. We are so excited to have them! The last time they were here was when Caleb was born, so its been awhile! Mike and I were talking about how shocked Seth and Molly will be when they get here since WI is covered in snow, and Mike just mowed our lawn yesterday! :) What a difference in weather!
My pregnancy is progressing well- the Lord has been so good! Other than a few leg cramps (yuck!) and the occassional need for a nap, I feel great! The baby is doing well too! I need to go in every week for ultrasounds now, which is a bit more difficult when you have an 18 mo. old, but definitely do-able! At the last u/s, the doctor said she is still small for her gestational age (30 wk., but measuring at 28), but that is not uncommon for gastroschisis babies. He gave me alot of good information about babies in the womb, some that I had never heard before! Our little girl is kicking and moving like crazy, which is a good sign! She completley flipped positions- she was head down for the longest time, and now she is breech (head up). I can feel a big difference in her movements since she has changed positions too! Alot more movement up high vs. the bladder punches I was feeling before! Ha ha!! :) Please pray that she will continue to thrive and grow, and that she will go back to her head-down position before she is born, since that is kind of important! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts too! We are so grateful!
Merry Christmas to all!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
4D Ultrasound pictures of Baby #2

I must say, our baby is the cutest little girl I've ever seen, and I havent even seen her in real life yet! Im in love with 4D u/s!! Mike and I were able to go to this appointment together for the first time this pregnancy. Since it was the first u/s he's been able to see, I was glad they did the 4D. We go back in two weeks for another one. The Dr.s said everything is looking good, her gastroschisis hasnt enlarged, and she has a good amount of amniotic fluid. She's definitely moving around alot, and although she is still head down, she is moving her whole body alot more now, versus just her hand and feet like before. :) Exciting for me!
Caleb has been saying "Baby" all day, everyday! Its so cute! He knows what a baby is too, so its funny that he keeps saying it! I think he just likes the fact that he knows a new word really well, and every time he says it we clap and cheer and make a big deal out of it!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Caleb in front of the Christmas Tree
Friday, November 23, 2007
New Photos
Friday, November 9, 2007
Fall is HERE!
Examine each leaf carefully before eating...

A Frey Family Fall Picture.
Mike, Autumn, Caleb, and ?

Life at the Frey house has been fun lately! We've had some beautiful weather and spent alot of time outside enjoying these last few warm days! Caleb loves the leaves all over the ground and is always going to the back door and putting his shoes on saying "Bye? Bye?" In other words, "Lets go outside and play!" Its fun playing with him and watching him learn and figure things out. He can say anything we say, so we've been telling him the names of EVERYTHING that he points to. Im sure within just a few months, he'll be jabbering away- in English instead of baby talk! :)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
More pictures of Baby Frey

We found out on Monday that our baby girl (its a girl!) has gastroschesis, a condition where the baby's intestines are outside the body instead of inside where they belong. Because of this, she'll have to have surgery after she is born and stay in the NICU for about 6 weeks. The Lord is so good to us though, as this condition oculd be alot worse! Or we could have found out that she had something much more serious. Please pray for our little baby and for Mike and Caleb and I as we prepare for her arrival in Feb/March. God is good! Blessings to all!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A few weeks ago, we went to the park for a family outing. Mike had a day off of work (a rare occurrence) so we took advantage of our time together. Concord Park is absolutely beautiful! We walked, played on the playset, played at the kiddi beach, found acorns, and had a great time in general. It was a fun happy day!
Baby Frey
We are 20 weeks preggo this week! Hurray! The u/s technician said the baby weighs about 10 oz. and is right on schedule. God is so good to us!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Caleb in the mud
Caleb decided to go outside and play on his playset while Mike and I had our backs turned for a minute. He managed to crawl down the steps and walked over to his slide where he happily began to play in the rain and mud! Yikes! Fortunately, we all got a good laugh out of it! Good thing babies are washable!
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