Well, its November and its cold outside! Even here in East Tennessee, the temperature drops and the wind blows! Brrrr....! Last Saturday, it was a record 11 degrees in the morning and we felt it too! But today the Lord has given us a beautiful day filled with sunshine and blue skies and a little warmer weather- I love it!
We have been so blessed by the Lord in these last few weeks. Mike and I discovered about a month and a half ago that we would be expecting our THIRD child! We were so happy! Children are a blessing from the Lord and we would love to have a house full of blessings! The Bible says that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, and several days ago we found ourselves giving this little one back into the hands of Jesus. God knows what is best in our lives, and although we may never know the reason or purpose for His works, we must have faith that He is in control and has a plan for us. We mourn the loss of the baby that we will never hold here on earth, but cherish the thought that we have a child in heaven that we will see and know someday. It brought Mike and I to our knees in thanks to God for the two amazing children that we DO have. How blessed we are!! God has reminded us that our lives are not our own, our kids are not our own, our house and belongings are not our own, they are Gods! We praise Him for his faithfulness to us, and for his love and provision in our lives!
God has continued to bless us also in providing for us while Mike is in school full-time. We don't see very much of Mike since he goes to school everyday and works full-time as well, but that just makes the time we DO have together so much more special! Caleb asks me everyday "where's Daddy?" and I say he's either at work or school, let's pray for him Caleb! He is such a great kid! We have so much fun together cooking and cleaning and folding laundry, and playing with Abbie. He and Abbie play great together and Caleb will often try to teach her things that he has recently learned. The other day I overheard him explaining a book to her. As he pointed to a picture of a cow he said "This is a cow Abigale. He says 'moooo.' This is a horsey Abigale. He says 'neighhhhh'." Abbie's face just lights up whenever Caleb talks to her or tickles her! Its so great that they get along! :)
We wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you have a joyful day! Thank you for your continued prayers!

Here's Abbie downing a couple of cookies. Notice she has two in one hand, one in the other, and one in her mouth- piggy! :)

Here's Caleb with a big cheesy smile- such a happy boy!