Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Winter is here- and so is the snow!

Abbie loves getting pulled around in the wagon by Caleb!

Caleb is such a great big brother!

Abbie sitting with her Daddy

Caleb and Abbie sitting with Dad

Mike reading from Genesis with the kids. They love it when he reads to them!

It snowed!!! Everything is white! All the kids (Emma, Eli, Ezra, and Caleb) had a blast playing in it!

Its so pretty! All the trees were gorgeous!

Caleb's playset was covered in snow after just an hour of snowfallage- snowfalling- whatever!

Another view from the porch

It was like a blizzard out there!

Caleb and Mr. Carrot-Nose.

Abbie didnt like sitting and watching everyone play. She wanted up and out so she could move around too!

1 comment:

Heidi Johnson said...

Hey congrats on the snow! It looks like the kids had lots of fun in it. Caleb looks very proud of the snowman! ha ha!
Love you!