Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

We went to Gattlinburg for Memorial Day and had a great time together just enjoying each others company!

Mike showed Caleb how to skip rocks; little rocks, not huge ones like Caleb kept wanting to throw! HA ha!

Caleb really liked playing down by the water and throwing rocks, sticks, and dirt into the stream. Every little boy's dream, right? Throwing stuff in water and making a mess! That is why Caleb is smiling in this picture!

Abbie wanted in on the fun too, so I gave her a little rock to toss in the water. I didn't realize until we got in the car to leave that she still had it in her hand!

Mike and I crack up over Abbie's smile now! She puckers her mouth in this little smile and says "cheese!" every time we point a camera at her!

Here's all of us in front of one of my favorite places in Gattlinburg, the Candy Store!!

Caleb and Abbie taking it all in and enjoying themselves!

We asked Caleb to take a picture of us; he did a pretty good job!

Caleb and Abbie loved the arcade! We didn't even have to put coins in the machines, they just sat and watched the previews on the screen and pretended to ride! Not sure how much longer we can fool them though. Caleb is getting pretty smart!

The Candy machine was a big hit with Caleb- he wanted to do it over and over!

Me in front of the roses.

My handsome better half in front of the roses!

Mike did most of the stroller pushing while we were there- he is such a great guy! With both kids and all of our stuff in the double stroller, I think it weighed as much as ME, so my pushing it was challenging! Thanks Mike!

Down by the river with Caleb!

The helicoptor ride was a highlight! Caleb was awestruck!

A view from the sky. This is actually the waterpark we stayed at a few weeks ago! See the blue water in middle, Heidi? That is the Lazy River and they just opened it last week! We missed it by just a few days! Argh! We'll have to go back again!

Another shot of Mike and Caleb getting on board.

All of us in the helicoptor!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Strawberries or Ice Cream?

Strawberry picking was on the menu for today's activities! All the kids were so excited! But, on the way there I called and found out the strawberry crop was really bad this year so there were pretty much NO strawberries. Dissapointment. We decided to change plans and go out for ice cream instead! Yeah! The kids were very happy!!! Secretly, so were Mike and I! :)

In the car, ready to go!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!
Mike and Abbie, sharing a cone.
Happy children!

Autumn and Abbie.
The boys AFTER I pointed the camera at them.

The boys BEFORE I pointed the camera at them, havin' a good time!
Ice cream!

Park and Play in May!

It was a nice day last Tuesday so I decided to take all the kids to the park! Emma (6) is out of school now so she is with me on the days that her brothers, Eli (4) and Ezra (2) are normally here. She's a great help!

Anyways, we had lunch at the park, and then played for awhile until we were all hot and tired. Then we headed home and all took looooong naps! It was a great day!

Caleb saying "hi!"

Caleb jumping!

Abbie knows how to say "Cheese!" now so this is her "Cheese" smile!

Caleb and Ezra racing to the top!

Caleb helping Abbie across the gravel.

All the kidlets, except Abbie. I think I was holding her.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good Times

Mike and Autumn, so happy!

Caleb in the car.

Abbie sleeping on the way home from church.

Heidi with the kids in Gattlinburg.

Peas in a pod. Or a double stroller.

Dad and Caleb heading out to mow lawns.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Misc. Pictures from the past week

Abbie got hold of a chocolate when no once was looking. I asked her if she had eaten one, and she just stared at me. I think it was pretty obvious! :)
Heidi, Julie, Abbie and I at Applebees with Kristi. Kristi was taking the picture.

Julie and Caleb smiling for the camera!

Jim and Abbie, right before he left for the airport on Monday.

The guys: Jim, Steve and Mike.

Abbie being silly.

Julie and Mike.

Heidi and Abbie.

Heidi and Caleb.

Caleb and Abbie before we left for Mike's graduation.