Monday, May 11, 2009

Mike's Graduation

It's been awhile since I've posted on here! Life has been busy!

Mike graduated from college on May 4th! Hurray! We are soooo happy that his 4 years of undergraduate school are over- Mike did an incredible job balancing school, work, and family during the school year! God has been amazing and we give all the glory to Him for getting us through! Mike is planning on taking his Master's in the fall, so please pray that he does well for one more year!! :)

Here are just a few of the hundreds of pictures taken during Mike's graduation ceremony.

Mike and his sister Julie
Mike walking down to the left after receiving his diploma.

Mike and his Mom, brother Steve, sister Julie, and Dad.

Heidi and I at the graduation.

Mike and his family.

Mike and Autumn.
Mike and Pastor Sexton, the founder and president of the Crown College.
Mike's graduationg photo.

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