Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April 1st!

It has been so warm here lately, and we have taken full advantage of the nice weather!! We love the warmth, and welcome spring and summer with open arms!! Time to get out the flip-flops and shorts, the gardening tools and flowers, and the sunscreen! I forgot how easily little ones burn after being in the sun for just a few minutes! Yikes!

Mike is wrapping up all of his classes at the college and looking forward to graduating May 3! What an accomplishment for him and a huge relief to be done with school! I am so thankful for a great guy who has stuck it out and finished the course! I know he gets discouraged and weary at times, but he is a man of character- what a great example to our kids!

I am on the last leg of my pregnancy- Lord willing- and looking forward to the day I deliver this child!!! He is a squirmy little guy! I let Caleb feel him kicking and moving around one day, and he turned to me and said, "That's disgusting Mom." And walked away. :) To each his own I guess! Abbie thinks she has a baby in her belly and walks around lifting her shirt telling people "I have baby in my belly! Mommy has baby in belly!" I....don't think she quite understands it yet, but she will soon!

There are great things ahead of us this summer! It seems almost every week there is going to be something happening, which I absolutely love! We are planning a trip with our youth group to New Jersey in August to help out some friends who have just begun to pastor a church there. And Mike and I are planning a little weekend getaway for our anniversary in July! yeah! The Lord has been so good to us, and we are praying about so many things that He has planned for our future! Please pray with us as Mike and I have many decisions to make about the direction of our lives. I have no idea how many people even read this blog, but we covet your prayers! Thank you!!!

Okay, now for pictures, the real reason you came here! ;)

Abbie and Caleb
A "nice" picture.
32 wks 4 days preggo! Every day counts!!
Getting ready to go see Dad at Cracker Barrel!
Caleb, Ezra and Eli enjoying ice cream cones on a hot day (today!)
Look Mom! I got ice cream on my nose!!
Abbie showing me her ice cream

All the kidlets- a very happy bunch!
Ooooh! With the nice weather we have been able to landscape a bit. Here is a "before" picture.

And here is the "after" picture! Our friend Tim and his brother Scott came and did all the work for us.

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