Here's Abbie doing some stretches in her dance class. She still loves every minute of dance, and asks me everyday when her next class is going to be. Her teacher is very sweet and does a great job with all the little girls.

Well, its been awhile since I've blogged anything. No, my life is not so busy that I don't have time to blog, I honestly just forget to do it since I'm not on the computer that much. Haha! I have hundreds of pictures to post, but since I'm so far behind, it will take me awhile to sort through and post them. I'll get it done though!
We enjoyed our first church Christmas Banquet this past Sunday. Mike is pastoring Northern Lights Baptist Church in Waconia, MN now, and its been really fun planning events and seeing them come together. We had our Christmas Banquet in the reception room at Island View Golf Course. The food was amazing, several music specials were beautiful, the Christmas reading was wonderful, and the message Mike brought was encouraging too. This was the first church event that Mike and I ever totally planned ourselves, and we were both encouraged to find it went fantastic! So much prayer and planning, and we give all the glory to God for its success!
Caleb is doing great in gymnastics. He absolutely loves it, so we signed him up for another 7 weeks of it! He is doing cartwheels around the house now, and always showing us his new moves. We have been getting early reader books from the library up the road, and he is just devouring them. He wants to read soooo bad, but is still trying to grasp the concept of putting sounds together. I think he is right on the verge of figuring it all out. He is also becoming more adventurous which he proved the other day by cutting his own hair. He took a huge chunk right out of the front, so I had to buzz his head to fix it. Good news is that hair grows fast!
Abbie is still loving dance class and does well in it most of the time. Sometimes she gets distracted and just does her own thing, but its usually when we've missed nap time that day. :) She just had her preschool Christmas play where she was a shepherd! I have some adorable pictures to upload with her dressed up! So cute! She did a great job, as did all the kids in her class. She is the youngest in her class, but she just loves school and her teacher!
Sam is repeating all the things he hears and becoming a little toddler! He's not a baby sad! He loves to climb on everything! The couch, the chairs, large toys, my piano, the list of things to attempt to climb never ends with him! We've had a few episodes of minor falls but he always ends up being just fine. We read lots of books together with Caleb and Abbie, which he LOVES! He is also my snuggler- he loves to cuddle with Mom and Dad, give hugs and kisses, and pat our faces. He is so much fun to play with! I think he is going to be very jealous of his baby brother when he comes in March. Sam likes lots of attention and gets very unhappy if he sees Mama holding another baby! We will have to work on that.
Christmas is approaching and we are looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior this season! What a blessing it is to have the gift of salvation and live in this age of God's grace. May Jesus be with you this week!
Abbie is still loving dance class and does well in it most of the time. Sometimes she gets distracted and just does her own thing, but its usually when we've missed nap time that day. :) She just had her preschool Christmas play where she was a shepherd! I have some adorable pictures to upload with her dressed up! So cute! She did a great job, as did all the kids in her class. She is the youngest in her class, but she just loves school and her teacher!
Sam is repeating all the things he hears and becoming a little toddler! He's not a baby sad! He loves to climb on everything! The couch, the chairs, large toys, my piano, the list of things to attempt to climb never ends with him! We've had a few episodes of minor falls but he always ends up being just fine. We read lots of books together with Caleb and Abbie, which he LOVES! He is also my snuggler- he loves to cuddle with Mom and Dad, give hugs and kisses, and pat our faces. He is so much fun to play with! I think he is going to be very jealous of his baby brother when he comes in March. Sam likes lots of attention and gets very unhappy if he sees Mama holding another baby! We will have to work on that.
Christmas is approaching and we are looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior this season! What a blessing it is to have the gift of salvation and live in this age of God's grace. May Jesus be with you this week!
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