Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pictures from last month

It has been too long since I've been on my blog! These picture are from November, but they are the most recent ones I have since I havent been doing much picture-taking lately. Enjoy!
We got a guinea pig! His name is "Sunny."

It's really a very sweet guinea pig. It loves being held and never bites. Sam sat holding him in his lap while watching an entire movie. I'm glad we were able to get one that has a sweet personality! 

Tyler, watching all the excitement with the new guinea pig. He got to play with the box we brought it home in. Hahaha!

I did mention these pictures were from November, right? We had such a mild fall, it was wonderful!Abbie posed for me while I grabbed a few shots of the kids playing outside.
She said "Mom, take a picture of me like this. I saw a girl being like this for a picture and I've ALWAYS wanted to have you take my picture like this. Okay?"
Me: "Okay."
Mr. Sam, busily digging in the dirt. Life doesnt get much better for a boy than a dirt pile and a dumptruck.
OH wait! Yes, it CAN get better! A bike!
Caleb making driving sounds while riding his bike. :)
And this is what it looked like a few days later. I will have to update again with sledding pictures!
Merry Christmas to you all!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Look who's standing?! Mr.Tyler is pulling up on everything and trying to walk! He gets very frustrated and upset after a few minutes of standing because wants to go somewhere but hasn't figured out how to take steps yet. Hahaha! Its fun to watch his progress. Tyler is 10 months old now!
We stopped at Culvers for dinner before heading out to get our Christmas tree. The kiddos loved every minute of it!
We have never had vaulted ceilings before, so we thought we'd go BIG this year with our tree! Fun!
Tyler. :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Black and White

 Trying to get a sibling picture and Ty decided to crawl away. 
 Abigale- 4.5 years old. Sweetie.
 Samuel! 2.5 years old. Superman!
 Caleb. 6 years old. Helpful!
 Tyler! 9 months old (next week). Frustrated! Because he can almost crawl. But not quite.
 Smooshy faces!
 I like the expressions of the kids faces in this picture. Funny!
Have a great week!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Phone Pictures (again)

iPhones take amazing pictures. 'Nuff said. :)
 Baby boy has discovered the joys of the pacifier. As a chew toy. 
 He also loves to chew on his fingers. And my fingers. And various other parts of my body that a nursing mother uses frequently..... ;)
 Its blurry, but this picture makes me laugh every time I see it. Reminds me of my Dad giving us rides like this as kids. Love you Daddy!
 Guess who lost ANOTHER tooth? That makes five! (Ignore the snot and boogers. Its a boy thing)
 Guess who GREW his first tooth?! Can you see it hiding?
 Bike ride on a beautiful October Sunday. Miss "Big Eyes."
 Its a boy thing....

 Making cloud dough. And a variation of Cloud Dough called Fluffy Stuff. Cloud dough is flour and baby oil mixed together. Fluffy Stuff is shaving cream and alot of corn starch. Both are super fun to mold and shape and play in. Both are extremely messy. And both keep small children busy for several hours and are totally worth the 15 minute clean-up for mommy later.

 Sisters came for a visit over the weekend. Super fun! Loved every minute of having my lovely girls with me!
 Sunday morning shot. This was the one that turned out.
 This was a nice shot too, until we realized Heidi had an extra set of hands......

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Phone Dump


Happy brothers.

Silly boys.


Lunch with mom on the dock at Lola's.

Need I say more?

Apple orchard x2.

Who says I'm not creative? Does anyone else see the irony in this decor? Lol!

Sweet baby boy.

Happy moon eyes.

Mother/daughter mini golf.

Our Diva strutting her stuff.


Typical expressions.

Jump! Except for Sam, who is pouting....

Sibling LOVE.

Squeal in delight!

"Mom time" with the three oldest.

Can you stick YOUR foot in your mouth? I can!

Sam doing "school."

Baby boy in his favorite new sleeping position.

No caption needed. :P