It has been too long since I've been on my blog! These picture are from November, but they are the most recent ones I have since I havent been doing much picture-taking lately. Enjoy!
We got a guinea pig! His name is "Sunny."
It's really a very sweet guinea pig. It loves being held and never bites. Sam sat holding him in his lap while watching an entire movie. I'm glad we were able to get one that has a sweet personality!
Tyler, watching all the excitement with the new guinea pig. He got to play with the box we brought it home in. Hahaha!
I did mention these pictures were from November, right? We had such a mild fall, it was wonderful!Abbie posed for me while I grabbed a few shots of the kids playing outside.
She said "Mom, take a picture of me like this. I saw a girl being like this for a picture and I've ALWAYS wanted to have you take my picture like this. Okay?"
Me: "Okay."
Mr. Sam, busily digging in the dirt. Life doesnt get much better for a boy than a dirt pile and a dumptruck.
OH wait! Yes, it CAN get better! A bike!
Caleb making driving sounds while riding his bike. :)
And this is what it looked like a few days later. I will have to update again with sledding pictures!
Merry Christmas to you all!