Friday, September 14, 2012

End of Summer Days

 These warm summer days are coming to an end here in Minnesota. It has been a great summer, full of new adventures and family fun! The kids have grown so much over these past few months. Tyler is getting chubby, trying to sit up on his own, and drooling like crazy which means a tooth is on its way.
 Sam is mimicking absolutely everything he hears and talking like a four year old instead of a two year old! He is jokingly known as "Sam the Ham" around our house because of the comical things he is always saying and doing to get attention. Sammy is also going through the "terrible two's" which is trying at times, but absolutely hilarious too! Praying for patience, consistency, and the ability to not giggle when I scold him. :)

 Caleb is in 1st Grade and is loving it! He is my helper and encourager. Caleb has so many amazing qualities and Mike and I can't wait to see God use him in an amazing way someday! We are so thankful for our oldest son!
 Abigale is adorable. I find myself writing down so many of the things she says because they are so funny and odd! The other day she said "Mom! Tyler is not growing. I think its because he is not eating his green beans." Hahahaha! She also told Caleb she saw a guy riding a bike down our street----WITH NO TRAINING WHEELS!

All of our kids are so great and funny and I just love them!

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