Henry Josiah Frey joined our family early Thursday morning June 13, 2013! He weighed
6 pounds 3 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. I had a fairly short labor, 6 hours total. It was the easiest labor and birth of any of our children! What a huge answer to prayer!
Here is my last pregnancy photo! Mike took it while I was dancing around the triage room waiting for the nurse to come back after she told me they would admit me! I was dilated to 6cm and having contractions 5 minutes apart, but aside from being slightly uncomfortable, I was in no pain at all. Hence the smile. :)
Again, SOOOOO happy that the doctor thought I was really in labor (I seriously didn't think I was, I just wanted to have a baby!)
Mike took this shot immediately after he was born. His cord was still connected and all, they just handed him right to me! It was wonderful! The doctors and nurses were so pro-mom and baby, it was just amazing!
Not to happy to get weighed and measure and warmed up a bit. He calmed right down though, once he was back in mommy's arms. :)
The three of us! Overjoyed that Henry was finally born!
Since Henry was born at 6am, it was so much fun to have Daddy bring all the kids up to see their new brother just a few hours later when they woke up! They were sure surprised that Mommy had had a baby during the night! Caleb and Sam were ecstatic over their new brother!
Tyler was not really that thrilled with little Henry. He enjoyed walking around the room and touching everything, but just gave poor Henry the nastiest looks when we brought him close. Haha! I think it will take some getting used to for little Tyler. A lot of Mommy's time will be consumed with a new baby now.
Now this little lady was in heaven, although you would never know it. She immediately took charge of Henry, letting all the boys know who could hold him, for how long, and when it was her turn again. Abbie is definitely a Mama in the making. She is gentle and caring, always making sure she washes her hands before touching Henry. And she makes sure everyone else has too. ;)
Oh my. You don't get much cuter than Sam and Henry together. Sam is so tender with his new brother. He kept saying, "Is dis my baby brudder? Is dis MY baby brudder?!" He was beyond excited to have a new brother and so caring and gentle as well! What good siblings Henry will have to take care of him!
All of us together at last!
Checking out of the hospital the next day! Mommy was ready to go home and be with her family again! Daddy took a picture, then Mommy took one. Good times!
Little Henry is a wonderful baby. He sleeps most of the time right now, which is great for me! He is a great eater and his cry sounds like a mouse squeaking, so we have nicknamed him "Squeakers." Hahaaha! He seriously almost never cries, and when he does its so sad you just want to scoop him up right away. :) He is such a good baby!
God was sooooo good to me in giving me such a quick and easy labor and delivery. Henry's birth was the best I have experienced, and I am so grateful to the Lord for His mercy and grace in allowing me to have that as my last experience in childbearing! What a joy it is to have five amazing children! We are blessed beyond all measure!
Although I have moments of feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibility of caring for these little people (and raising them, teaching them, instructing them, loving them, correcting them, etc.) I have come to realize that most of the things I focus on and think are so important, are not. Just spending time with the kids and listening to them has made such a difference. I have also realized in the last few days that I am NOT superwoman and I can't DO everything. By communicating this to my husband, it has made a world of difference in how our days have been going. Should have done this a long time ago. Ha ha! I feel so good, so blessed, and so happy that our family is complete and I have such a great husband and kids! Glory to God!