Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Abbie is HOME

Abbie is home from the hospital!!!! Hurray! God is so good to allow us to have our little girl home this soon! The doctors and nurses are baffled as to how she recovered so quickly, but we know that all the glory goes to God!! Caleb absolutely LOVES Abbie- he wants to hug and kiss her all the time. Its so sweet! She is doing well and we love having her home. Thank you all for your prayers and please continue to keep her in your prayers as she grows and gains some weight.
Sleeping beauty!

"She's cute, but what do I DO with her?"
This picture is blurry, but I thought both of their expressions were so cute!

Brother and Sister!
Daddy and Abigale!
A wonderful friend of ours made Abbie's first baby bracelet! Isnt it soooo cute? She has a website called where she makes all kinds of gorgeous bracelets!! Thanks Cherry!


The French Family said...

AMEN!! What an answer to prayer!! We are sooo happy for you guys!!

The Howell Family said...

We have been praying for little Abbie along with our church! It is a blessing to see what the Lord does! She is beautiful!!