Thursday, October 28, 2010

Play day

Run Children, run!
Abbie got upset when Caleb "arghed" like a pirate. We were playing pirates, hiding in our secret fort in the forest!
Three little pirates hiding...
Not sure how this picture ended up being upside down, but just tilt your head and you can see it. (ha ha!) Im not computer savvy enough to figure out how to change it
He he he he!!!

Trecking through the woods to look for gold. Didn't find any....

Had to cross the raging river to get away from the bad guys. Kids' imaginations have no end!

I love her little reflection in the water.
Such a lady!
This little creek was a big hit! It was over 80 degrees on Tuesday- probably the last time the kiddos will go barefoot this year! We all enjoyed the day so much!

Thanks for looking! Have a great day everyone!

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